quarta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2014

Letter and Video of Application

Hey girls, how are you?

Hoje venho postar pra vocês a minha letter e meu video do app.
Sobre o video, demorou e foi uma dificuldade conseguir editar, ainda não ficou perfeito, e tenho minhas criticas, mais eu postei ele assim mesmo, há videos beem melhores que o meu, mas também há videos piores, e isso não impediu nenhuma família de entregar no APP dessas pessoas.

Começando pelo minha letter :D

Dear Host Family

My name is Leticia, I am 23 years old. First of all I'd like to thank for having a look at my application and I would like to describe myself by this letter.

I was born in Sao Jose dos Campos city, in the state of Sao Paulo, in Brazil and I have lived here for 21 years with my mother, Salete (49) and my two sisters, Lidiane (20) and Laura (13).

I like my city because there is all I need: three malls, many parks around the town, lots of industries, e.g. Embraer. It is the capital of Paraiba Valley – River Paraiba links the cities of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Nowadays I have been working in Sao Paulo for about two years, and I have been living with a girl that works with me. We share all the housework and expenses and I have learned a lot with this. Every weekend I go home in Sao Jose. My parents divorced eight years ago and today my father Marco (46) has another family, but he doesn’t have any kids.

Although I like quiet places because there are sometimes that we need some silence I like having fun as well. I love my family, we are very outgoing, my mother is very extrovert and we have great time at home where there is always a relaxed atmosphere. We get on well but sometimes we also argue, but soon it is everything under control. I can say I consider myself a person with strong opinion, but I am always open to listen to others. I am very affectionate, sensible, and co-operative. I can describe myself as a girl with an open mind, honest, sincere, reliable, kind, very emotional and hardworking. I am creative and an ambitious young woman because I have a lot of plans about my future. I like reading, swimming and all kinds of sports, as radical sports. I love travelling and watching movies too. I like animals very much. If I could I would have many of them.

I can drive very well, I have my driving license since 2010 and I drive frequently. I often travel by car at night, under the rain, on lanes and highways. So I have a lot of experience and have never had a car accident or traffic fines.

I started doing Business Administration University course in my town. I studied for one year and a half and I stopped because I moved to another city to work. I still think about restarting it, but in another area maybe. On the other hand, I also like inventions, creativity and mathematics, then I am thinking about studying Engineering. But these are plans to realize after this program, I know I can, while having some time to spend in USA, I can reinvent myself and change my ideas. And I am ready for it!

I love children, when I see one I prompt have a smile on my face, only because they are a kind of magic!
Since I have been working in São Paulo, I take care of a friend's child for three times a week, her name is Luiza, she is 3 years old. She is a little child of curly hair and brown eyes; she is very energetic, intelligent, creative and emotional. 
In my home town during my vacation I took care of two other friend's children, in their homes, Sofia, who is 2 years old and her one year old sister, Laila. They are very cute and smart. 
Also on my last vacation I took care at home of my little one year old cousin, Kauê, for three times a week, he is spectacular, very smart but quiet.
Among my experiences I was responsible for many things such as preparing bottles, taking the children for a walk, having lunch, playing games and entertain them. 

I think children are very special, energetic, innocent and pure, they see the world with different eyes than ours. The first and foremost thing that a child should get is respect from others, they are worth a lot! I think when the child grows up with respect it will be easier to teach them all main principles to become a great person. With little interaction with these children I learned how to take care of those that cannot do things by themselves and the amazing way they do making us forget our problems for a few minutes.

I know I will give the best of me, feel free to tell me, honestly, if I fail, because I think this will be the correct way for us to find the best for your children. 

I have never been abroad before and decided to be Au Pair in the United States because I think this is a wonderful country for us to improve ourselves as people and I will be able to improve the language for my life and career. I am very curious about different cultures and I believe it will be awesome. 
This experience of living abroad will make me be a better woman, more mature and self-confidence. And I hope my dreams become reality.

There is a statement I like, and I think there will summarize my stay in the US: "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we never, ever be the same."

The biggest reason for me to do this exchange is English. I love this language! I studied English in a school for six months and stopped. Now, I study with a private teacher two times a week and at home, with books and sites. My English is not very good yet but I can communicate, which I think it is not that good.
It was always a great dream of mine to live and work in a foreign country and I am really excited for it! My dreams will come true.

I promise I’ll take good care of your children, and I want to be their big sister, best friend and a part of your family. I hope you choose me to be your Au Pair, because I’m sure we’ll have a great time together.
As I said I am excited to find out what is to take part of an American family in their day by day life. 


Confesso que pode ser que eu tenha pego alguma inspiração nos posts por ai, nas minhas buscas pelo google, mais é uma frase ou outra rs, não me culpem de plagio, please :)
E quem quiser, pode se inspirar com a minha também, só não copiem ela toda hehehe

Agora meu video :|

É isso gente, só to com um problema agora, antes do video, meu app tava com uma mensagem lá, algo do tipo que se eu tivesse segura com o meu app eu já poderia enviar ele, só que minha consultora disse que eu só podia fazer isso depois do vídeo, mais agora que já ta completo, a mensagem sumiu :'/
Estou aguardando minha consultora me ligar, e de tanto aguardar já estou ficando nervosa rs, por falta de retorno sabe.

Vou ficando por aqui.


9 comentários:

  1. Gostei do seu vídeo e da sua carta =D
    Ficaram muito bons!
    Boa sorte para nós nessa nova fase (online) aushauhs

    1. Oiie Djessy, gostei do apelido :)
      Obrigada, vou passar no seu blog para saber mais sobre seu processo também.
      Boa sorte pra nós ;)
      Beijoos, obg pela visita ;)

  2. Oie Leticia..
    Rlx essa mensagem tambem apareceu no meu.. Quando seu app esta completo vc tem que avisar pra agencia aqui no Brasil pra eles liberarem pra APIA.. e dps que eles liberam pra APIA, vc fica on em uns 7 dias no max.. e aii é so esperar pela familia certa.. :D
    Boa sorte no seu processo.. espero que de tudo certo, e estou seguindo de volta!

    Beijo ;*

    1. Oiie Jessica,
      Meu Deus, 7 dias?????? o.O
      Que medoo kkkkkk, achei que demorava quanse 1 mês rs... Acho estranho pq meu APP ta do mesmo jeito ainda, consigo até alterar alguma coisa que eu quiser, acho q ainda não mandaram pra APIA.
      Obrigada pela visita ;D

  3. Oi Leticia, to adorando seu blog e suas postagens, por favor continue :)
    Estou pensando em ser aupair, mas por enquanto nada certo rs, estou analisando tudo e tenho meio medo de ir, deixar tudo aqui, minha família e tudo mais. Sou muito apegada a eles e isso é o que mais esta me deixando com medo.
    Sem falar que também tenho medo do inglês kkk a mesma situação que você kkk e eu ja me formei ha uns 2 anos atrás no intermediário, mas desde então não venho praticando :(
    Espero que você fique online logo e aguardo novos posts com novidadades.

    1. Oiie Fernanda,
      Pode deixar que vou continuar escrevendo sim rs.. Que bom que você gosta..
      Seguinte, vc tem quantos anos?? Pq se ainda for nova, da pra esperar você estar preparada pra essa aventura, mais se já tiver na flor da idade, bora criar coragem e se aventurar rs..
      Pra falar a verdade, a minha ficha ainda não caiu, não fico pensando em quem vou deixar aqui, se não acabo desistindo, vou deixar pra pensar isso na ultima hora. Menina, seu inglês deve ser bem melhor que o meu, acredite, mesmo você não praticando rs..
      É isso, quando eu ficar ON venho aqui contar.

    2. Oi Leticia, eu tenho 22 anos e to terminando a faculdade esse ano, to super perdida do que fazer ano que vem em relação a tudo hahaha
      Acho que a ficha só cai quando já tiver tudo pronto pra ir, visto, passagem e tals haha e olhe la né kkkkk
      Conte meesmo, to torcendo por voocê :)

  4. Oi Letícia :D Xará... Estou no processo de preencher o application e é uma das partes mais chatinhas, mas ok... adorei sua carta, já me inspirei nela para fazer a minha, você me deu boas ideias, não sabia como começar... Parabéns, adorei... bjinhos!!!
